Christophe Mae Live

I've seen a concert yesterday evening, with three friends. The artist is a french singer very popular since the show "le Roi Soleil" ( the sun king, the story of Louis XIV) in which he acted "Monsieur" the King's Brother.

His music is Kinda Raggae influenced and of course he's got a great energy. It was a good show but I have to admit that with only one album behind it was a bit "not enough". I'll be seeing him on stage again but I'll wait for him to release two or three album more.

As for all concert from populair singer, there were a load of "Screaming virgins" which never cease to amaze me ... reminds me of a time when I was 13 and a huge Fan of the first Boys Band "New Kids on the Block" lol

I'll be putting videos of the show later on tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm j'y étais aussi tiens tiens comme c'est bizarre!! lol Tu as tout dis, donc je n'ai rien à ajouter!!!
Sinon euhhhh moi j'aurais eu 15 ans de moins, suis pas sure que je ne n'aurais pas fait partie des ces "pucelles" ...